waters of forgetfulness|water of forgetfulness in English

quality of being able to resist the action or penetration of water but not completely prevent it

Use "waters of forgetfulness|water of forgetfulness" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "waters of forgetfulness|water of forgetfulness" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "waters of forgetfulness|water of forgetfulness", or refer to the context using the word "waters of forgetfulness|water of forgetfulness" in the English Dictionary.

1. Why have these souls gone into forgetfulness? Forgetfulness occurs for many reasons.

2. The first symptom of Alzheimer's may be mild forgetfulness.

3. Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, who knows?

4. This forgetfulness comes daily in a blanket of fog.

5. The lovers roamed around the fields in complete forgetfulness of time.

6. He was slightly irritated by her forgetfulness.

7. He feared she would berate him for his forgetfulness.

8. Amnesia, in the Greek language, means “forgetfulness.” However, Amnesia is far more complicated and severe than everyday forgetfulness.

9. Her forgetfulness is due to advancing age.

10. 6 Remembrance is a form of meeting, forgetfulness is a form of freedom.

11. You forgot again? I'm simply fed up with your forgetfulness.

12. Remembrance is a form of meeting, forgetfulness is a form of freedom.

13. It is a place of awakening and a place of forgetfulness.

14. Confusion, Forgetfulness, Frequent nighttime urination and Frequent urination

15. We have come to this earth with a veil of forgetfulness.

16. Here is a knockout poem by Billy Collins called "Forgetfulness."

17. Remember is a form of meeting. Forgetfulness is a form of freedom.

18. Remembrance is a form of meeting. Forgetfulness is a form of freedom.

19. I'msorry I didn't answer your letter - I can only plead forgetfulness.

20. Maybe, facing to forgetfulness, the woman can hardly stand it.

21. I took it to be forgetfulness, but the hours passed, and she didn't return.

22. I had tried not to remember, but Robert's paintings made forgetfulness impossible.

23. Maybe she had tried, but in her sixties she had slumped into forgetfulness.

24. Just another life saved from forgetfulness graved well better than with a sword in Abraham's memory.

25. To come alive again, one needs a special grace, self - forgetfulness or a homeland.